You need to be a registered member and logged in to rate an Article at Learn Like Me™.
Below each article is the rating system which consists of the 5 stars symbol, vote count, average and rating score.
A registered member can rate each Article once between 1-5 stars by simply hovering their cursor over the 5 stars symbol. The stars will turn red depending on where the cursor is positioned over the 5 stars. The more stars in red means a higher rating. When you are satisfied with how many stars are red, click your mouse button to complete your rating.
The stars will then turn yellow to show that you have successfully entered your rating for the article.
Please note that you cannot undo your Star Rating once you have set it and you cannot rate your own articles.
The Star Rating system will automatically calculate the vote count, average and rating score for each article which the top 3 most popular articles in the ‘Popular Articles’ panel are based on.