You need to be a registered member and logged in to embed Media into your Article at Learn Like Me™.
First, upload the media you would like to use for your Article. Refer to Uploading Media – images and documents for instruction on how to.
You will then need to copy the URL of the location of the media file you have uploaded. You can find this information in the ‘Edit Media’ page.
To go to the ‘Edit Media’ page, click on the ‘edit’ link after your media file has finished uploading.
You can also find the ‘Edit’ media link in the ‘Media Library’ under ‘Media’. Hover over each media file listed for the ‘Edit’ link to appear.
Once in the ‘Edit Media’ page, copy the whole URL link under the ‘File URL’ field in the ‘Save’ panel.
To embed an image to you article:
In your add or edit article page, click in the editor content area where you would like the image to be embedded or placed in your Article. Click on the ‘Insert/edit image’ button in your ‘Visual’ editor.
The ‘Insert/Edit Image’ popup panel will appear.
Paste the URL of the media file you would like to embed in the ‘Image URL’ field and enter the image description and title of your image.
Press the ‘Insert’ button to complete the embedding of the image into your Article.
To remove the embedded image, simply select the image and press the delete key.
To attach a document to your article:
In the editor content area of your add or edit article page, type in the text you would like to use as the link for your document. Select the proposed text link and the ‘Insert/edit link’ button will become active.
Click on the ‘Insert/edit link’ button and the ‘Insert/edit link’ popup panel will appear.
Paste the URL address of the document you would like to attach the link to. Enter the title of the document and you may check the ‘Open link in a new window/tab’ checkbox if you would like your document to open or download in a new browser window.
Press the ‘Add link’ button to attach the document to the link or cancel to exit without attaching.
To remove the attached link, simply select the link and press the delete key.